Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Matchbox Subaru Impreza

Suddenly Matchbox follow Hotwheels foot step as the ugly colorful wheel. This Subaru Impreza originally have the ugly white wheels with blue chrome rims. Have you ever see white wheels Police Car?

I decided to change the wheels to rubber wheels,  to make it have a better look.
Besides, I also paint the grill, headlight and back light, and also some lining job.


  1. nice work bro! the subaru has a pretty look now :D

  2. Oh, I must have this model!

    Best regards!

  3. Love the model!

    I am a total fan of Matchbox because they're the cheapest brand that offers real car models (emergency, construction etc...)
    My kid loves the HW more so I mostly get him both, unfortunately... did not see this Subaru. If I did I would have snatched it immediately.

    I've been comparing diecast brands (from a parent's perspective, not a collector) for a long time now, check out my article on 1:64 at Matchbox vs Hot Wheels vs Majorette Toy Cars

    Btw, I love your photos of the Tomica models. I am sad that I can't get them where I live easily, they look great. Just don't know if they're as sturdy as HW and MB?
